Thursday, March 10, 2016

Party Night

It's Saturday night, and you and some friends have gone out to a party. At the party, everyone has a bit to drink before a strange man reveals a device he claims can swap people's bodies. Jokingly, two of the guests go along with the idea and suddenly find themselves in each other's bodies! The night then turns into a swap fest, with people swapping left and right. You inhabit several different bodies throughout the night, but after a point you can't recall exactly what happened.

Now, it's the morning after, and you are just waking up. Only, you can tell you aren't waking up in your own body. What body did you wake up in?


  1. Great work! Glad we were all able to find the swap guy again! ~DAGS

  2. great interactive. i liked the premise and the scenarios and pics were great

  3. Request: Nathan walks down the hallway of his highschool when one of his friends Amara ask him out to prom but Nathan declines because he is already going with his Girlfriend Gillan. Amara secretly has a crush on Nathan and since this is Amara last year of Highschool and she has never when to prom she switches bodies with Nathan so she could go to prom with his girlfriend. Nathan is shocked to find himself in Amara body any goes crazy and Nathan ends up getting Amara body pregnant and because of that they never swap back.
